Investing in Options is not entirely high risk. Your risk is limited to the premium that you have paid. Unless you do not have stop loss strategy then of course you may lose 100% of the options premium that you have paid. I have been trading options for years and currently train on small group, traders.
If you have a group of 3-5 people people that who would like to know a more conservative approach of options trading do let me know. My charges is RM2.5K per person for a 2 days program at the nearest hotel. Its a weekend program. .Lifetime support thru email and phone and forum.
I have various trading platform which i will share with you on how to use and trade successfully.
What is Option and how it works?
2013-06-04 20:19 | Report Abuse
Investing in Options is not entirely high risk. Your risk is limited to the premium that you have paid. Unless you do not have stop loss strategy then of course you may lose 100% of the options premium that you have paid. I have been trading options for years and currently train on small group, traders.
If you have a group of 3-5 people people that who would like to know a more conservative approach of options trading do let me know. My charges is RM2.5K per person for a 2 days program at the nearest hotel. Its a weekend program. .Lifetime support thru email and phone and forum.
I have various trading platform which i will share with you on how to use and trade successfully.
Please pm me for details.