3D Systems Corporation

NYSE (USD): 3D Systems Corporation (DDD)

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Today's Change

-0.40 (8.54%)

Day's Change

4.25 - 4.70

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2 comment(s). Last comment by EricRutanski 2013-12-03 08:21

Posted by quickann > 2013-07-30 11:32 | Report Abuse

"Revenue from our combined professional and production printers increased 78% and our personal printers revenue increased 333% over 2012.

Group materials revenue grew to $29.3 million that made up 24% of total revenue and services revenue increased some $6 million to $37.3 million and made up 31% of total revenue. Revenue from U.S. operations increased 45% to $67.9 million, revenue from European operations grew 29% to $31.9 million and revenue from Asia Pacific operations increased 73% to $21.1 million."

Details on their Q2 results can be found at http://www.earningsimpact.com/Transcript/82333/DDD/Q2-2013-Earnings-Call

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