A Scribe in Wall Street

The Secret to Getting Rich - Power of Money/Investing

Publish date: Fri, 25 Jan 2013, 10:50 AM
0 7
This is my personal investment blog.

In the eyes of the general public, being successful equals being "Rich".

In school, a student's performance is measure by results. In society, a person's performance is measured by money. It is sad but real, most people in the current society measure a person's success based on money.

If a person is very talented, having a Masters degree, but not having a lot of money (millions), then he is not considered successful. However, if a person is a school dropout, but having millions in net worth, no one would argue that he is not successful.

There is no direct relationship between the level of education and the ability to make money. In general, a person with higher level of education will be able to earn a higher salary. However, having the ability to earn a high salary will not necessarily make a person rich.

Being highly educated, a person will be able to earn more salary through his effort and contribution to work. This ability is equivalent to selling one's effort in exchange for a fixed salary. However, to be really rich, a person needs to understand the power of letting the money grow by itself - that means make more money from the money that one already has. This is the true secret to getting rich - the power of money / investing.

Many people have the wrong mindset that: "I only have a little money, how will I ever going to get rich with this small amount of money?". Let's take an example: if you have a million dollars today, how long would it take for you to have 10 millions? If your answer is 10 years, then great!! You understand the power of investing. It is almost impossible to make 9 millions in 10 years from salary. However, if it possible to make it through investing!

Similarly, the same logic applies to growing your net worth from 100 thousand to a million, and from 10 thousand to 100 thousand. Based on the calculation above, if it possible for a person to grow his net worth from 10 thousand to 10 millions in a short span of 30 years. So, you do not need a lot of money to start. All you need is to have the right mindset and skills to grow the money that you have through investing.

This blog is dedicated to everyone who want to learn the skills to get rich through investing. It is not as difficult as one would imagine. All we need is the right mindset, patience and the right skills.

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5 people like this. Showing 5 of 5 comments



2013-02-24 19:10


very good

2013-03-12 13:38

Matsaham Mashuk


2013-03-13 01:19


Our chinese old saying getting rich is by luck.Horse don't eat night grass cannot get fat.Investing wrongly can also make you bankrupcy.Not all investments can make you rich also depend on luck.

2013-04-11 21:00

Ying Pei

Totally agree

2013-04-23 18:51

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