Seaboard Corporation

AMEX (USD): Seaboard Corporation (SEB)

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Today's Change

+312.03 (11.93%)

Day's Change

2,641.00 - 2,930.00

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Reported Currency in USD
Last 10 FY Result (Thousand)
31/12/24 31/12/23 31/12/22 31/12/21 31/12/20 31/12/19 31/12/18 31/12/17 31/12/16 31/12/15 CAGR
Revenue 9,100,000 9,562,000 11,243,000 9,229,000 7,126,000 6,840,000 6,583,000 5,809,000 5,379,000 5,594,000 5.55%
PBT 246,000 107,000 579,000 636,000 286,000 284,000 -16,000 427,000 384,000 241,000 0.22%
Tax -156,000 -120,000 -3,000 65,000 3,000 1,000 1,000 181,000 70,000 69,000 -
NP 402,000 226,000 580,000 570,000 283,000 283,000 -17,000 247,000 312,000 171,000 9.95%
Tax Rate 63.41% 112.15% 0.52% -10.22% -1.05% -0.35% - -42.39% -18.23% -28.63% -
Total Cost 8,698,000 9,336,000 10,663,000 8,659,000 6,843,000 6,557,000 6,600,000 5,562,000 5,067,000 5,423,000 5.38%
Ratio Analysis
31/12/24 31/12/23 31/12/22 31/12/21 31/12/20 31/12/19 31/12/18 31/12/17 31/12/16 31/12/15 CAGR
NP Margin 4.42 2.36 5.16 6.18 3.97 4.14 -0.26 4.25 5.80 3.06 4.16%
Per Share
31/12/24 31/12/23 31/12/22 31/12/21 31/12/20 31/12/19 31/12/18 31/12/17 31/12/16 31/12/15 CAGR
EPS 413.98 202.21 499.66 491.05 243.65 246.19 -14.52 211.01 266.50 146.44 12.22%
EPS Diluted 413.98 202.21 499.66 491.05 243.65 246.19 -14.52 211.01 266.50 146.44 12.22%

PBT = Profit before Tax, NP = Net Profit, NP Margin = Net Profit Margin, EPS = Earning Per Share, EPS Diluted = Earning Per Share Diluted.

NP Margin, QoQ & YoY figures in Percentage; EPS & EPS Diluted figures in Cent.

All figures in '000 unless specified.

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